HAMILTON's Lin-Manuel Miranda is Officially Part of the New STAR WARS Universe
Broadway's reigning king gets down with the Force.

As J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens gets closer by the day, die-hard fans of George Lucas' original movies are understandably reaching a fever pitch. And who can blame them? With each new commercial and trailer, the new Star Wars keeps looking better and better, giving even the biggest cynics all the more reason to be excited. And today’s news should amplify that enthusiasm tenfold.
While on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night, Abrams revealed that The Force Awakens will include a new cantina scene, directly calling back to the beloved sequence in Lucas' Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Lucas' cantina is where Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi first link up with Han Solo and Chewbacca to hitch a ride with them to Alderaan, but only after Luke almost gets in a barroom brawl with an Aqualish named Ponda Baba. (And you thought the names on Game of Thrones were bizarre.) No word yet on whether John Boyega's Finn will kick some intergalactic bully ass in Abrams' cantina, but we do know that the music will be first-rate.
During his chat with Fallon, Abrams dropped an exciting little factoid bomb: He co-wrote the The Force Awakens' cantina scene's music with Lin-Manuel Miranda, the musical mastermind behind the hugely popular and critically acclaimed play Hamilton. They first met after a Hamilton matinee, where Miranda quipped that he'd love to write the new movie’s cantina tunes, not thinking it'd actually happen. But then Abrams learned that composer John Williams didn’t want to handle the new scene’s score, leaving room for the Hamilton creator’s input.
"I end up emailing Lin Miranda and I say 'I know you were kidding but if you actually want to write this music, I'm actually working on something,’’ Abrams told Fallon. "He's like, 'I'll drop everything.' By the way, I saw him on your show, and it was probably the best television I've seen in 10 years. He and I were sending back and forth music files, he's singing and playing instruments, and now in the movie, in this one sequence, is music that me and Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote."
Miranda later chimed in on Twitter:
We did.
Worked on it between 6pm & 7:30 on 2 show days for the past 2 months.
JJ is the best.
Can't wait to see.
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) December 1, 2015
We'd tell you to rush out and see Hamilton now, to celebrate this news, but your chances of finding available tickets for Miranda's show are about as strong as securing opening night The Force Awakens tickets for Friday, December 18. As a consolation, revisit the original cantina scene here: