Short Film a Day Keeps Anxiety Away Weekly Recap
Need something to watch? As a thank you to everyone staying home, we’ve been sharing short films daily so everyone has a chance to step into a new world. Don’t miss this week’s selection, which includes several exclusive online premieres! We hope these stories give you a few moments of entertainment and escape.

Cafe Glass
Directed by: Wen Ren
In the future, millennials rely on AI to answer all their questions, from what to order to who to date. What could go wrong? WATCH NOW

Early Sunday Morning
Directed by: Yoonha Park
Without the crowds and popcorn, an empty movie theater comes alive thanks to two strangers who find a connection despite leading very different lives. Their beautifully choreographed meeting lights up the building’s carpeted corridors and abandoned concession stands. WATCH NOW

Fire in Cardboard City
Directed by: Phil Brough
Stop, drop, and roll doesn’t work in Cardboard City, which is under flames and burning to a crisp right before the fire chief’s eyes. His team scrambles to protect their people, but will they be able to save them all? WATCH NOW

Gnarly in Pink
Directed by: Benjamin Mullinkosson and Kristelle Laroche
Bella, Rella, and Sierra are 6-year-olds who know how to shred. They’ve banded together to form their own skateboarding crew, and they’ve got their sights set on the X Games. Their rivals (their brothers) don’t think they can do it. Will they prove them wrong? WATCH NOW

Voice Over
Directed by: Martin Rosete
If you had to live a different life, what would you pick: an astronaut traversing an alien planet, a soldier on the brink of saving countless lives, or a fisherman in the middle of the sea? Or maybe all three at the same time? WATCH NOW

Warning Labels
Directed by: Jennifer Morrison
Dating would be so much easier if people knew what they were signing up for — or would it? In a world where everyone wears a physical label for their emotional baggage, there *should* be no excuse for getting into a bad relationship. WATCH NOW