Fierce Competition
This is revenge of the runner-ups.
As a special thank you to everyone staying home and doing their part to help keep our community safe, Tribeca is proud to present an online series of Tribeca shorts, with a new film rolled out each day for a moment of entertainment and refuge in a world unknown.
When the world’s two oldest people are twins, being born one minute apart is the difference between being a world-record holder...and his runner-up. Frederick is on a mission to outshine his older brother, even if he loses a hand (or two) in the process.
Tribeca presents Vincent Gallagher’s “Second to None,” a stop-motion comedy about beating the competition no matter what it costs.
While you’re social distancing, we’re sharing select works (including online premieres!) from our alumni filmmakers of the Tribeca Film Festival. Catch a new film every day! Can’t wait till tomorrow? Click here for another short.
The Tribeca Film Festival extends its heartfelt thanks to the organizations that have so generously made our mission possible.