So Perfect, So Pretty… So “Peggy”
What happens when a perfectionist meets chaos?
PEGGY from Justin Miller on Vimeo.
As a special thank you to the brave people staying home and doing their part to help keep our community safe, Tribeca is proud to present an online series of Tribeca shorts, with a new film rolled out each day for a moment of entertainment and refuge in a world unknown.
Meet Peggy: She’s pretty, she’s unflappable, she still looks great after having five kids—basically, she’s perfect. So perfect, it’s impossible not to hate her just a little bit.
“Peggy,” written and directed by Justin O’Neal Miller, is part of our series A Short Film a Day Keeps Anxiety Away.
In the award-winning short, the titular character welcomes people to her son’s precisely planned birthday party—but it doesn’t exactly go as planned. Played by Sarah Blackman, Peggy is the hostess that everyone secretly wishes they could be — she’s the mom that rents a bouncy castle and can bake a 100 percent organic, free trade cake that truly tastes like a "real" cake — as her guests spitefully note with a mix of admiration and jealousy.
While you’re social distancing, we’re sharing select works (including online premieres!) from our alumni filmmakers of the Tribeca Film Festival. Catch a new film every day! Can’t wait till tomorrow? Click here for another short
The Tribeca Film Festival extends its heartfelt thanks to the organizations that have so generously made our mission possible.