14 Tribeca Staffers Share What They're Most Thankful For This Year
Tribeca's content and editorial teams are sharing the things they're most grateful for this year, both in the world of entertainment and far, far beyond.

Debbie Rolf, Video Editor: "I'm thankful that we've gotten to see movies like Mad Max: Fury Road this year, where the ladies are just as badass as the guys. I'm also thankful that these movies have equally awesome soundtracks that allow me to pretend that my morning runs are significantly more impressive than they actually are."
Sebastian Rea, Content Operations Manager: "I’m thankful that Tribeca highlights artists like Saul Williams because his opinions and perspectives inspire us to see the world differently. Plus, getting to shoot these videos with him was one of the highlights of my year!" Get an in-depth look at William's latest album MartyrLoserKing.
Morgan Shockley, Digital Media Coordinator: "I’m thankful to have a daring team around me: for Carly who makes emoji videos about the Festival ticketing process and photoshops our 2016 Festival dates in neon onto a photograph of a NYC adult video store; for the Street Dreams crew who went above and beyond the standard red carpet photography and started high-fiving celebrities to capture the most genuine and exciting photos of the Festival; for Sol and Amanda who let me run wild with some of my craziest ideas; for the Matts who write great pieces that Julianne Moore and Spike Lee share; and for Kara who is always in the know and making me think more creatively by playing devil’s advocate."
Matthew Eng, Associate Platform Editor/Contributing Writer: "I'm thankful for Carol and Todd Haynes, forever and ever and always. But I'm also grateful for indie cinema as vibrantly progressive as the groundbreaking trans comedy Tangerine, which was spotlighted so engagingly and with such enthusiasm by Matt Barone in an in-depth interview with the film’s audacious director Sean Baker. Everything Matt writes is tackled with such passion and intrigue and this great Tangerine piece is one of his most memorable. Read it! And see it!"
Matt Barone, Film Editor: “I'm thankful for the opportunity to work with such a talented and passionate team as a whole, but there are two individuals in particular to whom I'd like to direct some specific gratitude. First, to the other half of 'the Matts,' Matt Eng, for always directing my attention towards smaller character-driven dramas that I might otherwise overlook, like The Wonders and Breathe, since, admittedly I'm more about darker, weirder, and more aggressive cinema. (Read: horror, all day, everyday.) He's a big reason why Carol became such a priority for me, and now it's one of my favorite movies of the year. Second, I absolutely have to send a shout-out to designer extraordinaire Carly Sloane, the Photoshop wizard responsible the coolest I've seen all year: the marquee for my piece on the horror streaming service Shudder. (See above.) It's an iconic poster just waiting to be framed by genre lovers. I mean, just look at how beautiful it is!”
Ana Yamel Rodriguez-Cuervo, Creative Coordinator: "I am thankful for the awesome collaboration with Street Dreams Magazine at the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival, where they were able to capture such cool and dynamic moments."
Chris Randalls, Digital Designer: "I'm thankful for Carly for designing this marquee, as well as so many others."
Jaime Fallon, Creative Services Director: "I'm thankful for being welcomed open arms into a team of kick ass, creative, kind-hearted, supremely talented crew of Muckety mucks. Together we make and celebrate art. I was also able to feel the small glimmer of starlight as I played talk show host with Jane Rosenthal for the briefest but brightest of moments at Tribeca's company-wide retreat in November."
Carly Sloane, Junior Graphic Designer: "I'm thankful for our team field trip to the abandoned hospital complex on Ellis Island, which JR transformed into the extraordinary art exhibition The Ghost of Ellis Island. Not only do I love ferry rides and fun team building, but this was a part of the island that I had never seen and never even knew existed. The complex had been untouched for years, as though frozen in time. I feel so lucky to have explored a location that my ancestors had stepped foot in so many decades ago."
Marc Hayes, Director of Web Production: "I'm thankful for team field trips, whether it's hanging out on Ellis Island or having picnics in the park. I'm also thankful that nobody has hovered over the web team's heads for a broken site, because it works like a charm. (Wink.)"
Kara Baker, Digital Content Development: "She's Gotta Have It is one of my all-time favorite films and I am a longtime Spike Lee fan (both the good and the bad films). I cannot wait to see Chi-Raq, but, in the meantime, I loved Matt Barone's recent article and fresh perspective on Lee's Bamboozled."
Andrew Rozal, Lead Developer: “I’m really happy for all the horror articles on the site within the last year! To me, it’s an under-appreciated genre when it comes to thoughtful writing and I can’t help but feel like the writers have been nailing it recently.”
Michelle Carney, VP of Production: "I'm thankful for the girls of the Salmon River HS lacrosse team, who have fought to play the sport they love and represent their Mohawk Iroquois heritage in the process." (Stay tuned to the site for more of their story!)
Sol Guy, VP Creative and Content: "I'm grateful for this incredible team that makes the site so special and leads with passion."