World Premiere
The Great Filter
Official Selection - Immersive
| Taiwan R.O.C. | 7 MINUTESThe issue of identity between oneself and the environment has been interpreted as a world of its own. Catastrophes in the human world are translated into a sense of detachment between the self and the larger environment (from individual to collective, and beyond). It is the detachment from the real world that gives birth to a parallel imaginary space. However, when the real world permeates into this parallel world, conflicts arise.

Cast & Credits
Sound Design
Aaron WUu
Key Collaborator
Wu Hung (Sebox Hong)
Project Creator
Wen Yee Hsieh
Dates: June 6 - July 29
Location: Mercer Labs - 21 Day Street, New York, NY 10007
For hours and tickets, click here