World Premiere
FRAMERATE: Rhythms Around Us
Official Selection - Immersive
| UK | 13 MINUTESFRAMERATE: Rhythms Around Us bears witness to the flux of life on earth. Surrounded by shifting pointcloud landscapes, submerged in sound, we scale our perspective. Together we see the beautiful, creative, and destructive forces of nature and humanity. We are a part of this rhythm, we contribute to the cacophony, we are in sync, and we catastrophically collide with the beating pulse of our planet.
Created from thousands of daily 3D time-lapse scans of landscapes and cityscapes, Rhythms Around Us observes change on a scale impossible to see with the lens of traditional cameras or with the naked eye.
This is not just an artwork. The data collected and presented by FRAMERATE is ground-breaking scientific research, containing empirical, measurable, occasionally whimsical facts.
268 cows milked. 519 pints drunk. 1528 mm of rainfall. 174,000 people commute. 2,657 flowers bloom. 1 aquifer breached. The bin is emptied, twice.
We glimpse a future perpetually documented and catalogued by the eyes of a billion autonomous vehicles and personal devices, creating high fidelity spatial records of the earth, measuring everything.
FRAMERATE: Rhythms Around Us invites you to observe in another way. To think and feel in another time scale: geological time, seasonal time, tidal time. To contemplate change, and the pace of change. This is a space where your perspective might shift.

Cast & Credits
Project Creator
Executive Producers
Lead Pointcloud Artists
Music & Sound Design
Lead 3D Capture Artists
Pointcloud Artists
3D Capture Specialists
Technical Developer
Thanks To
Production Managers
Dates: June 6 - July 29
Location: Mercer Labs - 21 Day Street, New York, NY 10007
For hours and tickets, click here