AT&T Presents: Untold Stories - FAQ

How do I apply?
  • The application for AT&T Presents: Untold Stories consists of an online form online form that must be completed and uploaded by the submission deadline, February 3rd, 2025.
Are documentaries or short films eligible?
  • No, only scripted feature films.
How many projects will be selected for the pitches? And how are winning films selected?
  • Contest officials from the film and television industry will select five projects which the projects’ filmmaker(s) will pitch to a jury of media professionals in June 2025.

    Of the five finalists, only one will win an award of $1 million. The filmmaker(s) of the remaining four projects will receive a $15,000 grant toward the continued development of their film.
Are student films eligible for AT&T Presents: Untold Stories?
  • No.
What if I am turning my grad thesis into a feature?
  • Grad theses being turned into feature films are eligible for the fund; however, the new project should be a stand-alone film and the director should not be a current student.
When will I be notified about my application status?
  • All applicants will be notified via email no later than May 5, 2025.
Do I need footage to apply to AT&T presents: Untold Stories?
  • We require a minimum of five minutes of consecutive footage of the director’s previous work, and we encourage more. If submitting a director’s sizzle reel, that should be in addition to consecutive footage. Previous work of writers and producers is not required but will happily be reviewed.
Do I need a full script or is a treatment sufficient?
  • Submission of a completed script is mandatory. Upon submission, the script must be ready to go into pre-production in July 2025.
What is an Artistic Statement?
  • The Artistic Statement is your opportunity to discuss your creative vision for your project. This is where you can speak of the tone and style of the film, and to the reasoning behind your creative choices with regards to subject matter, medium, setting, etc. It’s also the place to touch upon your motivation for telling this story and for how you’ve decided to tell it.
Do AT&T and Tribeca look for certain types of films?
  • The AT&T Presents Untold Stories program has no restrictions on genre, style, or theme, but the film should not contain excessively gratuitous drug use, violence, or offensive language.
Is AT&T presents: Untold Stories open to filmmakers from around the world?
  • Applicants (directors and/or key producers) must be current residents of the United States or Puerto Rico, but they do not need to be U.S. citizens. For more information, email
I am a screenwriter, but no director/producer is attached to my project yet. Do I qualify?
  • No. Projects must have both a director and a producer attached.
I have previously directed two feature films. Do I qualify for the award?
When do I need to be in attendance for the pitch? What do I need to prepare?
  • The qualifying director will be required to pitch in New York at the start of the 2025 Tribeca Festival. It is encouraged to pitch with a producer as well, and pitches can be presented in teams of one or two.

    Teams will complete a “pitch video” in advance of the live portion, with extensive support from the Tribeca team.
If my project is selected for AT&T Presents: Untold Stories, will it screen at the Tribeca Film Festival?
  • Yes. You are required to premiere at the 2026 Tribeca Festival and not before. There is no guarantee you will be in competition, but the programming team will seriously consider the project once you submit a rough cut. You are encouraged to submit to film festivals that occur after Tribeca as well.
Am I allowed to submit more than one project?
  • We encourage writers/directors to select their strongest project. You are, however, eligible to hold a different role on another applicant’s project.
If selected, what is the format of the pitch?
  • The pitch will be to a jury of industry professionals and that content will be shared on Tribeca and/or AT&T social channels. The pitch should be no longer than 10 minutes, including the pitch video, and there will be five minutes for questions from the jury. You are allowed to show imagery that is cleared for distribution.
Will the jurors review my project before the pitch?
  • The jurors will be given materials (application, script, budget) to review before the pitch. If selected as a finalist, you will be given the opportunity to send updated materials to the jury.
When will the winner be decided?
  • Deliberations will immediately follow the pitch, and the jury’s decision will be announced at an event hosted by AT&T and Tribeca. One project will be awarded $1,000,000, and the remaining four projects will receive $15,000 for further development and production.
What does the winning filmmaker need to do to receive the award money?
  • The filmmaker(s) will set up a single-purpose LLC to receive the winning proceeds and to produce the film. The filmmaker, via the LLC, will assume all liabilities in connection with the production (e.g., errors and omissions liability insurance, guild obligations, if any, etc.).

    The filmmaker(s) must sign a long-form contract, plus submit a production schedule and budget in advance of receiving the first award payment.
What do the four projects need to do to receive the $15,000 grant money?
  • Filmmakers will sign an agreement with Tribeca for a one-time payment of the $15,000 grant to either an LLC or an individual. The filmmaker(s) will receive the grant ten to twelve weeks after the pitch.
Can the winning filmmaker receive any additional financing or funding?
  • Filmmakers may accept additional funding with respect to the film; however, such funding cannot grant any ownership rights or license rights. Examples of additional funding permitted include crowd-source campaigns, grants, donations through a fiscal sponsor or in-kind donations.
Are there any stipulations on how I spend my grant if selected?
  • The $1 million award must be used for production and post-production costs for the winning project. Tribeca will provide extensive guidance and advice for the final budget. Tribeca will set a payment schedule and disperse funds accordingly.

    Examples of fund disbursement include payment of a percentage of the budget on signing the filmmaker production services contract, payment of a percentage at the start of production, payment of a percentage at the start of post-production, and payment of the final amount upon satisfactory delivery of the final cut.
Will AT&T fund a theatrical release to qualify for awards?
  • AT&T and Tribeca Festival will arrange a limited theatrical run in New York, NY, or Los Angeles, CA, for one week each to assure the film can qualify for awards.
How are Tribeca/AT&T involved in the distribution of my project? What are the exclusive windows?
  • Filmmakers receive backend participation on revenues derived from the exploitation of the film. Filmmakers will have the right to look for distribution of their films, with dedicated support from Tribeca in those efforts.
Will I need to bring on a sales agent for either additional domestic or international sales?
  • Filmmakers can attach sales agents to the film if they wish.
Where can I find additional answers to questions?